Add the gift card product to a menu (header, footer, sidebar, etc)
To add the gift card product page to a custom menu, complete the following steps in your WordPress Admin Panel:
- Go to Appearance > Menus
- In the upper right corner, click on Screen Options and ensure the “Products” box is checked
- If you only have one menu, then skip this step! If you have more than one menu on your website, use the drop down beside “Select a menu to edit:” to begin editing the correct menu.
- There is a list of expandable sections on the left side of this page for things like Pages, Posts, and Blog Categories. If you completed step 2 correctly, you will also see Products in this list. If you click on it, it will expand to show you a list of products.
- Select the checkbox beside the Gift Card product that you wish to add to the menu, then press the Add to Menu button. This will insert it into the Menu Structure shown on the right side of the page.
- Drag and drop the newly added item into the menu positioning of your choice. If you wish for it to be submenu option, you can drag them slightly to the right under any existing menu option. It will appear indented.
- Press the blue Save Menu button
You should now see the gift card product in the menu on your website.