Custom Taxonomies

Note: this feature requires PW Bulk Edit Pro.

Follow these instructions to add the custom taxonomies to the Bulk Editor:

1. Download the free Code Snippets plugin:
2. Create a Snippet with the following code (adjust to match your taxonomies):

$GLOBALS['pw_bulk_edit_custom_taxonomies'] = array(
    array( 'slug' => 'brand', 'name' => 'Brands', 'plural' => 'brands' ),
    array( 'slug' => 'collection', 'name' => 'Collections', 'plural' => 'collections' ),
    array( 'slug' => 'print_number', 'name' => 'Print Numbers', 'plural' => 'print_numbers' ),
    array( 'slug' => 'schedule', 'name' => 'Schedules', 'plural' => 'schedules' ),

Replace the values with your actual custom taxonomies.

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