Product ID Filter
Note: This requires the PW Bulk Edit Pro version.
It is possible for you to hook into the Bulk Editor to add a filter for Product ID. Follow these instructions:
If you are more comfortable with editing your functions.php you can do that instead of Code Snippets.
1. Download the free Code Snippets plugin
2. Create a Snippet with the following code:
function pwbe_filter_types_product_id( $filter_types ) { $filter_types['post.ID'] = array( 'name' => 'Product ID', 'type' => 'numeric' ); return $filter_types; } add_filter( 'pwbe_filter_types', 'pwbe_filter_types_product_id' ); function pwbe_common_fields_product_id( $common_fields ) { global $wpdb; $common_fields .= ", post.ID AS product_id "; return $common_fields; } add_filter( 'pwbe_common_fields', 'pwbe_common_fields_product_id' ); function pwbe_where_clause_product_id( $row_sql, $field_name, $filter_type, $field_value, $field_value2, $group_type ) { if ( in_array( $field_name, array( 'post.ID' ) ) ) { $sql_builder = new PWBE_SQL_Builder(); $row_sql = $sql_builder->numeric_search( $field_name, $filter_type, $field_value, $field_value2 ); } return $row_sql; } add_filter( 'pwbe_where_clause', 'pwbe_where_clause_product_id', 10, 6 );