Memory Limit
By default, the bulk edit plugin will set the memory limit to 1024M in order to allow the system to have enough memory to return the data. You can change this limit or disable this feature entirely.
1. Download the wp-config.php from your FTP server.
2. Keep a backup of wp-config.php in case there are problems.
3. Edit wp-config.php and scroll to the end and add the following bit of code:
Scroll towards the bottom, and before the line that says “Happy blogging.” add this code ABOVE that line:
define( 'PWBE_MEMORY_LIMIT', '1024M' ); /* That's all, stop editing! Happy blogging. */
4. Change the 1024M to a different value depending on your server environment.
5. Save the wp-config.php file and re-upload it to your server.
Prevent the memory limit from changing
If you do not want the plugin to alter the memory settings at all, set the value to false (without quotes):
define( 'PWBE_MEMORY_LIMIT', false );