Gift card number not generated on the Order
Confirm that the order status is “Complete”. The gift card number is generated and emailed once the order is complete.
The gift card plugin will automatically mark orders complete if they do not contain physical products that need to be shipped.
If you would like to send the gift card email after payment is received, even if the order itself is still Processing, then change the following setting:
Pimwick Plugins -> PW Gift Cards -> Settings -> Send When Order Received (checked).
If the gift card number is being generated but the email is not being received, see our troubleshooting guide here:
Physical Gift Cards
If you have checked the “Physical Gift Card” box for this gift card, make sure that you have an email address entered into the “Recipient Email Address” field. If this field is left blank, no gift card number will be generated. This is useful if you have pre-printed physical gift cards and do not need a new gift card number to be generated. Typically the “Recipient Email Address” will be the store admin email.