Renaming / translating the “Other Amount” option
The “Other amount” attribute name is handled by the plugin, but you can rename this by taking the following steps. After renaming this field you will need to re-create the “Other amount” option by toggling the checkbox (steps 5 and 6 below).
1. Log into your FTP site and edit wp-config.php
2. Edit wp-config.php and scroll to the end and add the following bit of code:
Scroll towards the bottom, and before the line that says “Happy blogging.” add this code ABOVE that line (translate as needed):
define( 'PWGC_OTHER_AMOUNT_PROMPT', 'Custom Amount' ); /* That's all, stop editing! Happy blogging. */
3. Save the wp-config.php file and re-upload it to your server.
4. Log into the WordPress admin area, click Products, and edit the Gift Card product.
5. Uncheck the box that says “Allow custom amounts” and click on “Update”.
6. Check the box that says “Allow custom amounts” and click on “Update”.