Role / Privilege for Gift Cards Admin
By default, the gift card admin requires the “Shop Manager” privilege (manage_woocommerce). You can alter this in your wp-config.php file if you would like to create a separate role for the store managers.
They would still access the WordPress back end however since they don’t have the “Shop Manager” role they won’t be able to make any other WooCommerce changes.
Follow these steps to switch the required privilege for the Gift Card admin:
1. Log into your FTP site and edit wp-config.php
2. Edit wp-config.php and scroll to the end and add the following bit of code:
Scroll towards the bottom, and before the line that says “Happy blogging.” add this code ABOVE that line (translate as needed):
define( 'PWGC_REQUIRES_PRIVILEGE', 'your_custom_privilege' ); /* That's all, stop editing! Happy blogging. */
3. Save the wp-config.php file and re-upload it to your server.
Change the “your_custom_privilege” value to the privilege you created for the store managers.
You can also use built-in roles and privileges such as ‘edit_posts’, ‘publish_posts’, etc.