To / From / Message fields do not appear
Only the “To” field is missing?
If you do not see the “To” field but the “From” and “Message fields are available, the gift card might be configured as a Physical Gift Card.
1. Log into your WordPress admin area.
2. Click on the Products menu on the left.
3. Edit the gift card product.
4. On the Gift Card tab, locate the “Physical Gift Card” checkbox and uncheck it.
5. Click the blue Update button at the top right corner.
All fields are missing!
If you do not see the To, From, and Message fields at all, this is likely something related to your Theme. There are a couple of things to try but if they don’t work you will need to reach out to your Theme developer to find out why the fields do not appear.
First, go to Pimwick Plugins -> PW Gift Cards -> Settings -> Check the box “Apply Fix For Missing Fields” and click “Save Changes”.
If that doesn’t work, uncheck that box and then try this:
1. Download the wp-config.php from your FTP server.
2. Keep a backup of wp-config.php in case there are problems.
3. Edit wp-config.php and scroll to the end and add the following bit of code:
Scroll towards the bottom, and before the line that says “Happy blogging.” add this code ABOVE that line (change the values as needed):
define( 'PWGC_BEFORE_ADD_TO_CART_QUANTITY_FIX', true ); /* That's all, stop editing! Happy blogging. */
4. Save the wp-config.php file and re-upload it to your server.
If the fields still do not appear, you will need to contact your theme developer about having the woocommerce_before_add_to_cart_quantity hook called for the products.